Main Street Cigar and Pipe carries
a much larger selection of pipes and tobacco
than the typical tobacconist.

Our pipes are sourced from many different carvers such as Bonfiglioli, a master carver from Italy. Other fine pipes come from Peterson, Rinaldo, Boswell, Brebbia, Savinelli, Meerschaum and many others. All have a uniqueness of their own.
We have an extensive collection of antique and estate pipes available at great prices, ranging from $100 up to $700. We also have some inexpensive basket pipes for those just getting into pipes.
Many pipes like Peterson and others can be ordered should you find a particular pipe you have seen elsewhere. Our staff is well versed in helping you select the style that is right for you.
We carry a vast inventory of bulk tobacco from Lane to Sutliff and many others. We have custom blends that go back to Faders of Baltimore. Many blends have been adapted over the twenty years we have been in business.
A small selection of our pipe tobacco includes 1Q, BCA, Black Raspberry, Peach, Spiced Rum, Champain, Billy Bud, Carter Hall Match, and many other flavors.
Included are some rope tobaccos as well as bullseye flake and more. Our tinned tobaccos feature the latest releases as well as old standards too many to list.
We are always happy to create a custom blend of tobacco to suit your particular tastes (some restrictions may apply).
Pipe Supplies
Pipe supplies such as lighters, ashtrays and tampers are affordable and always in stock.